Common tableware health concerns all mysteries
2015-08-29 01:49:01

 Painted tableware with cosolvent. Test results show that a quarter of the chromatic tableware the heavy metal content such as lead and cadmium exceeds bid badly, coloured drawing or pattern ceramic poison a very important reason is to add some cosolvent, cosolvent contains a certain amount of toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, it is easy to enter human body through food, so the painted ceramic tableware may be toxic. So choose the best selection of white porcelain tableware tableware, safe and do not break easy.

Inferior melamine tableware soak hot water to produce formaldehyde. Melamine tableware is refers to the use of melamine resin made from wood pulp packing molding products. Melamine and formaldehyde reaction of polymer, is called the melamine resin. In a certain temperature, urea and formaldehyde separation will happen. This is why some inferior melamine dinner ?